Time Out

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Time Out

Post by testerone »

Wrote a long diatribe about an old friend who's rented a place for 29 years, settled in and retired with 2 big dogs and began breeding kittens. She got evicted.
Listened to 3 months of how they can't, I'm gonna do that, I took them to Rental Board, I'll be buying a prefab home to put on a friend's lot in the Valley next June, blah blah blah. Actually thought it was so newsworthy that Global and BCTV would take up her case.
So reality set in and she's in an RV on that friend's lot half her belongings gone as she spent so much time plotting and getting angry she didn't even get a storage unit.

I heard voice in my kitchen and went to see, turns out the dog barking made the stupid Google thing start playing a podcast! By the time I figured that out and reprogrammed the the thing my post timed out and I lost it.

Plan for your future! Don't plan on retiring in someone else's house. And karma for those years ragging on me because I won't give up my totally paid off home in the real boonies and rent in the Big City.
Her RV is way nicer than the one our family had, but worrying about water, sewer, gas hookups and land use permits is all too much for that city gal. I mean she was absolutely disgusted when I told her what a Blue Boy tote and black water were...
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